Chest Day

Holdin’ onto that bronc rein is going to be much easier with a strong chest. SOBER COWBOY CHEST DAY. 🤠

Heres a few of my favorite chest day activities. I like to do a chest/tri day, so you can superset tris with all of these.

Wide grip bench press. 4 x 10 (ss with close grip bench for tris). I use the smith machine because I am not the most confident in the chest department, and usually by myself. It also keeps my form honest. But you can obviously do this with the regular bench press set up.

Incline flys. 4 x 10. With free weights or on the cables. SS with tri pressdowns.

Decline bench (my personal favorite) 4 x 8.

Pushups to burn out. 4 x failure. Do 4 sets until you cant no mo! I usually do cheater pushups because it gives me more control of actually working my chest. Just make sure your hands are under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Get shoulders down and then push them back up with your chest.

I love jump rope, so I do this as a form of cardio often. 10 minutes. If you need a little breather during that time, take 30 seconds to catch your breath and then hammer on.


