Mexican Indian Cowboy- Otomi

SAG AFTRA Stunt Man/Actor

“The Hideous Four Horseman”

Written by Mace Elias

When we decide to change for the better, good things come. If you had told me 6 years ago I would have gone from jail to Hollywood, I’d call you a damn liar. Below is my story, that I call “The Hideous Four Horseman”. I’m not ashamed because it has made me the man I am today. If I can change my life around, you can too!

The Hideous Four Horseman

6 years ago I woke up in the drunk tank where I would later spend 7 months of my life. I turned 27 in a jail cell. For 15 years I had been fighting these four horseman, which I show in this piece before getting sober.

On the right was the Greedy Horseman that chose money over his integrity. Sacrificing his time with his family, putting money over everything. Making him think he was inferior over everyone.

The Next is the Suicidal Horseman. Making me believe I was never good enough no matter how hard I tried. Making me think I wasn’t worth a fuck. So many failed relationships, friendships, marriages, careers. He made me believe that I had given it my all, why stick around? The first time he showed himself was in my first marriage when my father walked in my home and I had a gun to my head. I felt like a failure and couldn’t do right. The second time, when my ex wife had found me on our kitchen floor intoxicated to the point of almost poisoning myself, and having to rush me to the hospital. I have now gained tools to cut him down little by little.

The next is the Alcoholic Horseman. They say sometimes we are born with it. The only way I could get rid of the feelings was by picking up a bottle and telling everyone how good I was, and if you didn’t like me, then fuck you. I’ve learned I don’t have to live that way. In a few days I will be 3 1/2 years sober. It’s by far the best decision I have made in my life. I used alcohol as a crutch. But has been the root of it all.

The Last is the Religious Horseman. He tried and tried to help, but I just wouldn’t fully let him in. Growing up in religion I was always scared of God because it seemed he would punish us for everything. So instead of him punishing me, I punished myself.

The Man in the middle, his Name is Macedonio Salvador Elías Sanchez III, 3 1/2 years ago he lost everything and almost lost his life. Some wish I did a better job, some think I didn’t want to die. But nobody will ever know the pain I had been carrying for those 15 years. He had a choice: death, prison or get help. So that’s what he did. He got help and started dissecting his demons to see what they had been feeding from. He knew he couldn’t fight them alone anymore. Every time he did, he lost. Through my recovery I reconnected with the Creator and live a more spiritual life getting closer to my higher power. He found the Warrior within him, He wants to live!

-Mace Elias

Check out the videos below of Mace’s story, interviewed and presented by SOBER COWBOY.

Thank you, Mace, for being such an integral resource in the SOBER COWBOY community, and for sharing your story for others to experience.

Mace Part 1: Mace struggled with not only his own alcoholism, ut famil members having struggles. We learn from those around us, especialy when we are young and impressionable. Mace learned to deal with hisproblems by making thm with alcohol. Check out the rest ofthe series below!

Mace Part 2: How working the AA steps, and consistency paid off in his journey with sobriety.

Part 3- Your un and experiences in life don’t end because you get sober, they actually get better. Opportunities that have com to Mace, and being involved in the industry while staying sober. Check out part 4 below to hear about Mace’s involvement in the western industry and how horses helped him on his path.

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Bryce Burnell- PRCA Bull Rider