Bryce Burnell- PRCA Bull Rider
Bryce Burnell is a Wyoming cowboy from small town Arvada. He grew up with alcoholism and substance abuse all around him. He has chosen to take a different path and doesn’t drink alcohol.
Bryce sees the negative effects that addiction has had on his family members, rodeo, and friends and wants more positive outcomes for his life.
He credits his growing relationship with God to his rodeo family. They have helped him to know God and begin reading the bible.
Bryce is currently working with a junior steer riding program, and helps the young kids get started with rodeo and riding bulls. Bryce represents a positive, healthy, and sober cowboy to these kids. A prime example that you can still be a bad ass cowboy, without partying.
Bryce is a cowboy very focused on his health not only mentally, but physically too. He is focused on the gym and healthy food intake so that his body is the best it can be to keep up with his career in rodeo.
Bryce is our first SOBER COWBOY, and we are honored to have him in the community representing our mission to the youth and the rodeo community. Check out his story in the 4 part video series below, and watch for him riding bulls on the Cowboy Channel!