March Challenge

You’ve heard of 75 hard, but that may be a commitment you’re not up for So let’s start small and do the month of March instead!

Grade Mare Leather Co. is going to send everyone that participates and succeeds a SOBER COWBOY completion package, plus 15% off SOBER COWBOY merchandise.

Rules below. Adjust to your needs accordingly, but you can’t budge on #5. Let me know if you’re in!

1. Follow a diet. I don’t even like the word diet, but maybe you have a dietary goal that’s been lacking. Eat more veggies, eat less carbs, don’t eat out. Whatever yours looks like, let’s make the change this month.
2. Daily exercise. 40 minutes. Whether you already work out, or it’s a goal for you, here’s your motivation to get up and do it. Split it into 20 for weights and 20 for cardio, or a 40 minute run, or whatever it looks like for you. Let’s just get moving.
3. Read for 10 minutes a day. You can do the daily proverb, bible study from our website, or if you’re not into reading the bible a great one is “The Midnight Library”. It was such a fun read. Whatever you choose, dedicate 10 minutes to reading something other than social media.
4. Gratitude. Every morning I write down 3 things I’m grateful for. It’s a wonderful habit to get into. So for March, join me and write it down.
5. NO ALCOHOL. Simply stated, let’s give it 31 days dry.
6. Drink 1 gallon of water a day. You’re going to feel soooooo good and hydrated by the end of this.

Everyone’s goals look different. Adjust accordingly and let me know how it’s going along the way! I’ll be sure to check in 😉



