The Proverbs are all about gaining wisdom. Proverb 20 for the 20th day of February is perfect for SOBER COWBOY wouldn’t you say?

The thing about drinking is that some people can handle it. But some people, just can’t. I’m on of those people. It can’t be just a few, it turns in to a few too many. And I know that many people struggle with this, especially because it is so normalized in our society to drink. It doesn’t feel like a problem. It doesn’t correlate to addiction for many because it is EVERYWHERE and almost EVERYONE does it. In its truth, alcohol is nothing but poison. It’s just like any other drug (addictive, mind altering, physically destructive, usage affects family members), yet it’s legal and even pushed so heavily by media, marketing, and other humans. Stepping away from it, whatever you can give at the start (a week, month, 6 months, a year) really opens your eyes to the madness of the world of alcohol and society’s normalization of drinking it.

SOBER COWBOY isn’t just for the ‘sober’ people. It’s for anyone that has had a loved one, a friend that struggled with addiction. For the ones that can handle their alcohol, but want to help and support those that can’t, and be a good friend to them. Having a friend that is trying to get sober, with a friend that supports that (even if the friend isn’t completely sober), is such a game changer. Not having it pushed on them everywhere they go, not being questioned ‘why don’t you just have a drink’ or ‘why aren’t you drinking?’ is monumental in our journey of sobriety. So even if you’re here to learn how to be that friend, we welcome you with open arms. Because we need people like that in our corner and in our community.
So go out there and be a friend. Be a support to someone struggling. Be a positive influence on the younger generation. Let’s normalize people’s struggles, and be an advocate for them.
Love yall,


