testing faith

Testing Faith

I had a friend reach out Sunday after her church service telling me that they are doing a series for the next 6 weeks about faith and testing it, and watching God work miracles through us and our faith. Later that day I watched faith be tested.

One of my closest family friends lost their Pop this last Sunday. Loss is always a trying time, testing our faith. Through loss we typically ask ‘why?’

Even without loss, I think many of us have gone through the valleys and up the mountains in our journey with faith. I know I have.

Pop had lost his brother a year and 7 days before he himself left this earth. One of the first things my friend said to me was, “This sucks, I don’t believe it’s real.” and in the next breath, “But half of his heart was here with us and half of his heart was with his brother. So I know now that they are together again and he is free of pain.”

In times like these we feel our grief. We feel our sadness. And rightfully so. But turning it around as my friend did and showing her faith that Pop is with God. He is at peace. He is with family that he himself had to grieve. But he doesn’t have to anymore, because they both are reunited with our savior.

Although it doesn’t always lessen the pain for us, we have to trust in God’s unfailing love and ability to provide us with knowing that this life is temporary, but if we have Him it’s for eternity. His salvation is above all else. And eventually we all get to experience that salvation.

Today I am thankful for my friend that shares the word of God with me, and my friends that are family. I am thankful to know them, to share the faith with them, and to be by their side through this life. Praying for comfort, and that God stays close to their hearts. Psalm 13:5


